November 6, 2017


This week, new owners Jessica Weitzel & Komani Lundquist and Research Associate Erin Holbrook will attend the annual American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference. Every time we attend, we come back with brains bursting with new ideas. We can’t wait! After completing a record 9 presentations at the 2016 conference, we decided to take a break and spend our time simply learning this year. We’ll keep you posted about lessons learned!

Here at Via, every employee is a member of AEA. The organization constantly helps us stay up-to-date through their conferences, training’s, journals, blog, and webinars. We also love attending AEA events to connect with other evaluators. AEA continues to be a central building block of the company we are today.

We can’t thank AEA enough for fostering our development as evaluators and helping us provide great services to our clients. We are looking forward to connecting with other members and learning new things in Washington, DC this week!

For more information about Via and our adventures to AEA in DC, feel free to email or call us at (716) 362-0627.