December 3, 2018
Approximately $5 million in McKinney-Vento Competitive Grant Program funding to help homeless youth succeed is available to public school districts, BOCES, and charter schools in New York State. Competitive funding applications are due to the New York State Education Department by December 19, 2018.
The grant aims to foster improved attendance, engagement, and academic success of homeless children and youth. Specific goals for each activity, as well as a clear list of the measurement tools to be used to measure each goal, are required for the grant application. VIA has evaluated McKinney Vento grants, as well as many other NYSED grants.
The grant includes a requirement that 30% of the discretionary non-personnel service budget is allocated to Minority/Women-Business Enterprises (M/WBE). VIA is a New York State certified a M/WBE.
If you are interested in learning more about McKinney-Vento or VIA, please call us at (716) 362-0627.