February 02, 2021


Description of grant: The purpose of the Promise Neighborhoods (PN) program is to significantly improve the academic and developmental outcomes of children living in the most distressed communities of the United States, including ensuring school readiness, high school graduation, and access to a community-based continuum of high-quality services. The program serves neighborhoods with high concentrations of low-income individuals; multiple signs of distress, which may include high rates of poverty, childhood obesity, academic failure, and juvenile delinquency, adjudication, or incarceration; and schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) of the ESEA. All strategies in the continuum of solutions must be accessible to children with disabilities and English learners.


Eligibility Requirements: private, public and state-controlled IHE; Native American tribal governments (federally recognized and other); nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) status, other than IHE


Points for Evaluation:

Up to 10 points for: description of experience, lessons learned, proposal to build capacity of the applicant’s management team and project director in collecting, analyzing and using data for decision-making, learning, continuous improvement, and accountability, including whether the applicant has a plan to build, adapt, or expand a longitudinal data system that integrates student-level data from multiple sources in order to measure progress while abiding by privacy laws and requirements.

Deadline for Submission: 3/5/2021 *Intent to Apply: 2/3/2021*


For all other inquires: Contact us at (716) 362-0627 or email us at [email protected].