NYSED is now accepting applications for its 2016-2021 ESD/SVP program. This program will provide public school districts, and nonprofits working with public school districts, with up to 5 years of funding to implement extended school day (ESD) or school violence prevention (SVP) programs, or a combination of both. Each applicant can submit multiple applications, not to exceed $350k per year per application, and $1.2 million per year cumulatively. Applications are due on 1/8/16.

ESD programs are intended to increase student achievement, provide extracurricular enrichment activities, and contribute to school violence prevention, including school safety activities. They must serve at least 50 students within the range of grades K-12, and operate for at least 2 hours per day and 3 days per week, outside of the regular school day. SVP programs are intended to implement school safety activities, including goods and services, to provide safe school corridors, diversity programs, collaboration with law enforcement or CBOs, and utilization of safety equipment and devices.

Via Evaluation’s grant writing department, which is highly experienced in writing education grants, can write this proposal, and has written many funded ESD/SVP grant applications. For this program, the primary grant writer and the required external evaluator cannot be the same entity. Therefore, Via Evaluation also offers independent program evaluation services for ESD/SVP grants for which it is not the primary grant writer. Via Evaluation will be happy to work with your existing grant writer or your existing evaluator, to provide either evaluation or grant writing services.

If you are interested, contact us now at (716) 362-0627 or email Eric Vosburgh, the Via Evaluation Outreach Coordinator.

   More information at nysed.gov